Ganesha graha nakshatra
Yogini rashi rupinim
Devim mantra mayim naumi
Matrika Pitha rupinim
I open myself to receive those teachings that reveal the light of knowledge in me.
this is the chant from the beginning of class.
sundays i started taking a parayoga class. parayoga is a type of yoga that focuses on breath and para (the energy in your body). i would say it's one of the more relaxing yoga classes i take.
after feeling gross all day yesterday and having to skip out on one of my friend's birthday's a little early last night. not kidding after spending some time with her and her friends i left early and went to bed. i woke up feeling better...whew. so i needed this morning at the gym, get my immune system back up. i had my cardio then i switched my hair to a braid to get ready for parayoga. we focused on lengthening. just what i need.
i'm starting to focus more and more on different variations to deepen and go further in the poses. usually they say here's option one, go further for option 2 and then the most difficult option 3. i never went for option 3. i'd usually try for 2 and stay. i'm always too scared. last week i was so proud of myself for pushing myself into couch pose (it was option 3). sometimes what you're afraid of is worth it.
the light in me bows to the light in you
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