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Feliz Cumpleaños

Work started out pretty crazy Wednesday as it was. Melissa was sick and I think Lulu said Adriana (melissa`s co-teacher) took 4 kids to church. ???? It didn`t really make sense to me.
So Lulu & I shuffled kids back and forth from classroom to classroom. Finally we got to recess and I started feeling relief until Axa`s mom arrived with a huge sheet cake for his birthday. The way the preschool is set-up she walked through recess with the cake and all the kids abandoned their games and their pretend animals and became human again to realize their desire for cake. It was like a mob around Axa`s mom and I felt like a bouncer.

Honestly, it was really stressful. I loved how happy it made the kids, but I digress... the story continues!

We kind-of held the cake over the kids heads for the rest of recess and lunch. "if you don`t do ________ you won`t get any cake." Even though in the end we knew everyone would get cake.
Then we finish lunch and it`s time for cake. ¡Surprise! Mom brought whistles as party favors. The kids LOVED them. My ears did not. I think I lost 2 years of hearing from my life. Dear parents: Please no whistles in mass quantities.
Then it was singing time. I love their birthday song (even if I can`t participate besides swaying to the music). Right now I`m singing several songs in English to my class and the 5 year olds teacher told me Wednesday she wants me to sing to her class too. Who knew MY voice would ever be in demand. But I can`t participate in the spanish songs...(besides motions... I definitely do those) yet. After the song they do a chant, which I think i`ll have down in one or two more times. Then Axa takes a bite out of the cake and then it was time to cut the cake.

The Feliz Cumpleaños festivities continued Wednesday night with our beginning to Caro`s birthday. We were all going to see Time Travelers Wife at the movies in the nice part of Santa Fe and trust me, it`s nice. I just finished the book Tuesday so when we saw the movie it was fresh in my mind and it`s either a good or bad thing. The movie wasn`t very good, not near as good as the book. I loved that the book was based in Chicago so I could actually picture most places mentioned in the book in my mind, which made me miss Chicago, but when we saw the movie and there were 2 different shots of the lake running path it took my little missing feeling and made it quite stronger. They even had a scene in Lincoln Park Zoo. But oh man... the running path!

Friday was more Caro birthday time. It was a beautiful day so besides freezing for some reason at work I had a nice work out on the roof and participated in gym class (they have gym every Friday) and it just made my mood better & better for the bday celebrations. It also helped when I left work Gael (one of the trouble makers, but also one of the kids who wants the most hugs) ran over to me in his socks (he was getting ready to nap) to say good bye. I gave him a hug and said "Oh Gael how I love & hate you at the same time" (in english so only melissa could understand) I definitely love him more than I hate him, but he makes my day more difficult.
So the sun shined (later into the evening than usual) until 5 ish when it started raining. Luckily the majority of my clothes were done drying on the roof from laundry.
Time to get ready. Ricardo was coming to get us at 8:00 (9:30). This was the first time I wanted nicer clothes than I packed (specifically my plaid dress), but Melissa took care of me and let me borrow her shirt and make-up (yep. i even wore make-up). When I packed for coming here I wasn`t anticipating going out...ever. I dance around a bit waiting for Ricardo to arrive and tried to remember as much of the Single Ladies dance as possible with Melissa, Caro, Jess & Marcos just hanging out at the table.
Ricardo arrived. The 7 of us piled into his little car (I think a little bigger than my first car, which Jeff called a clown car). I got to play DJ a little more. We drove through the streets to downtown & I was loving it. Especially with the decorations for Independence day up. we got to javier`s apt. and walked the streets to find a bar. melissa looked at me and said "i can`t tell you how happy i am to be walking around downtown." and i totally agreed with her.
After wondering around the festivities we ended up at a fun bar. It was super chill & had all kinds of people there. We stayed until a live band came on that played, strangely enough, mostly Elvis. I was loving it. And Ricardo is a very good dancer. I`m starting to get the gist of dancing here. I`m going to generalize, but guys in Mexico seem to be much better dancers than the US. Ricardo was telling me how strange he thinks dancing in America is: girls dance alone or with other girls, the way guys and girls dance together, guys generally don`t ask the girls to dance, they just start dancing with them. I tried to explain my thoughts for why it`s like that, but i don`t know.

Saturday was a day full of errands including the market, which i love! (Once I get past the first stands full of meat (raw) and cooking. Although I always get tricked and think I`m past it all when I look to my left and see fish looking back at me. Always the same stand) We had Youth Group, where I led yoga (relaxation day) and Caro & I trembled for her bday. I`m not sure i have the hang of trembling yet. I literally shake all over the place and she looks so controlled.
Ricardo wanted to take us out again so we went to Coyoata (another area of mexico city). We walked around the center/parkish area and ended up at a club house/tree house bar, which was super cute. The singing of happy birthday commenced.

Sunday THE ACTUAL DAY. Jess, Melissa, & I made a scavenger hunt for Caro all over the house for her to collect her presents. Melissa, Caro, & I were a little late for mass, but Caro was promptly escorted to a seat as close to the alter as you can get. Melissa & I stood (there weren`t any more seats). Father announced Caro`s birthday during mass and it was time for the party.
Las Mañanitas #1
everyone eat. i sat next to our 14 year old friend abbey so i spoke in spanish the whole meal.
Las Mañanitas #2
cheer, candle blowing, bite out of the cake, then cutting
music encourages dancing
padre plays guitar
party begins to fade
back to casa
issac told us he was coming over with cake & said "us" but 1st of all we didn`t know he`d show (i`m in mexico remember) 2nd we didn`t know anything else
melissa, ricardo, & I were home when they arrived and we didn`t know what to do. melissa & i haven`t been in this sort-of social situation in mexico yet. 1st there were more people than we expected (although honestly i don`t think either of us really thought anything through)
i was running around trying to get chairs. moving the bench
i couldn`t reach. stretching to the back of the cabinets to get enough.
meanwhile melissa is trying to have a conversations and she said she felt like she didn`t speak much spanish this weekend so she just kept thinking `spanish spanish`and `what do people talk about here in these situations´ she did VERY well though
but we did it and had everything ready for when caro arrived.
Las Mañanitas #3
trick candles. caro got them out though.
everyone leaves after hours of fiestaing
happy birthday at midnight
caro`s birthday is over.

oh what a week!


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