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"cleanse week"

yep.  i created my own "cleanse week" after last saturday.

last saturday was quite a day.  it could be defined as awful.  

i rode into work with a slight sprinkle, while talking to karen on the phone.  good start right?  well, yes.  until i was about a mile from work and got a flat tire (which i mentioned earlier).  ugh.  then i get to work, lug my bike downstairs (i thought it was going to rain), promptly pour myself a large coffee, pick-up things left over from the astro overnight the night before, set-up for astronomy day, and sit down at my desk.
the supervisor of the mission specialists wasn't coming in so i needed to supervise them in addition to my normal tasks for saturdays.  which usually isn't all that bad.  we only had 3 mission specialists on the schedule last saturday, usually we have 4 or 5, but i wasn't too worried, we've done it before (the saturday before that i was supervising too and we did it then, in fact).  
i checked the sick line.
one called off.  oh. my. gosh.  
let's be honest, it's difficult to cover three jobs as one person.  no?

the two mission specialists who came in were awesome and totally worked with me so i was able to cover all my other duties as well.  this made me super happy i brought in cupcakes to reward them for the week before.  little did i know...

i could NOT have done it without my teen volunteer.  he was great.  it's funny because at the beginning of these teen volunteers i was a little apprehensive because i get got a little nervous working with high schoolers.  i can't explain it.  (my preferred age is pre-k... i think i'll do another post about that.  to be continued...)  but now they are amazing and my saviors.

so the day continued and i continued drinking coffee (all day) until i was shaking uncomfortably and grabbing food along the way without time to actually sit down and eat.  (i didn't sit down the whole day and sadly this is not an exaggeration)

then i rode my bike with my flat tire home (ugh) in mist and injured myself in the process.  although i'm feeling much better now.

so at the end of the day i felt pretty shitty.  and i decided i needed a cleanse this week.  no coffee or sweets.  the week went fine except when i had to smell others' coffee. 

but this morning i had my coffee again and man, did i end up needing it.  it was another crazy day with training a new volunteer and managing the others.  at least my co-worker came this saturday. 


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