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10 Notes on Running this Week

1.  It's official, I'm signed up for my 5th marathon.
St. Louis October 19th.  Let the training commence.
The course scares me because I am so used to driving this area that running it seems impossible...
Anyone else running it?  They also have a half going on.

2.  I went to my first real run club Monday and it was pretty great.  Totally a fun run & totally at fun run pace and it was fun.  I met a few people and actually ended up running with someone for about 4 of the 5 miles.  (We didn't start talking until mile 1.)
For some reason I was really nervous to go, but used the first time yoga guy from my class Sunday as mental encouragement.

3.  At said run club they had free injury screenings Monday.  I've had knee issues off and on for about 2 years now so I figured I might as well see what they can tell me.  
The physical therapist found I have a minor IT band injury.  Which of course I have heard of before, but since I hear about it so much I determined it couldn't be what I had.  He prescribed a foam roller twice everyday.
I am the new owner of a foam roller.  I would say proud, but we have a very love/hate relationship.  It hurts!  I can't imagine how someone with a serious IT band injury can handle it.  But I'm honestly already feeling the difference in my runs.
This is one of the reasons I signed up for the marathon.  I'm not as afraid of my knees.  (As long as I can make myself use the torture device called a foam roller consistently.)

4.  I got my long run in today since I have a comp day for traveling (and working) this weekend at a conference in San Antonio.
I'm up to 13 miles.  I know I am way behind as far as mileage per week, but I'm just going to take this one as it comes and be patient with myself.  
But, yes, I am definitely keeping up with the chafing... 

5.  I'm currently moving at a snail's pace, but I'm trying to be patient with myself.

6.  Many of my friends who are runners favorite part of their long run is deciding what they'll have for breakfast.  I am the complete opposite.  After a long run food is the last thing I can think about.  All I want is water.  Sometimes I force myself to drink something else, like gatorade or coconut water.
Then the shakes start a couple hours later (the coffee I usually drink in that time probably doesn't help) and I decide it's food time.
This has been my breakfast of late:  egg with spinach and tomatoes.  OMG tomatoes right now.  Seriously.

7.  After long runs I find the comfort of the pool perfect.  I like to very slowly swim a few laps to work out the kinks.  (I have no idea if a doctor/physical therapist would agree, but it seems to work for me.) 
And then who could say no to lounging on a chair poolside for a bit after.  I mean I have to dry off.

8.  I'm approaching this training differently than I have any other.  I pretty much know what I need to do and I'm just going to take it week to week.  (Especially with the weekend travel and things going on this summer.)
I'll probs need a refresher when tapering comes around.
And I can assure you I am not looking forward to making myself do some speed pick-ups.

9. I plan to cross train this go around.  Usually I just run.  Literally all of training time I just run everyday.  I'm not doing that this time.  Period.

10.  I'm still training with my visor for sun protection (and wearing facial sunscreen below the eyes).  Honestly, I think both things are annoying.  The visor need adjustment during the run and the sunscreen makes me sweat weird, like itchy sweat.  But I'm going to stick with it because it's a good thing to do...during training.  Race day:  bring on the sun.

And bonus note that has nothing to do with running.  Magic Man released their new album Tuesday and it is amazing.  Below are just a couple of my favs. 
Pretty stoked to see them in a couple weeks.


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