no, not me! my sister. i'd like to take this post to introduce you to my sister, karen. she's pretty much amazing and i don't deserve her at all. example 1-yesterday was an ordinary day. i called her to help me through indecisiveness and to complain, etc. then later in the day, I get this... 2-i mooched off her all fallish last year and she totally took care of me and didn't make me feel bad about it once. i made myself feel pretty bad about it, but that's besides the point. i was in a tough place in that time and she was just there for me... completely. without question. she taped/dvr/tivo (whatever) her favorite shows to watch the many games (cardinals of course) with me. i could continue with that, but i'll stop for now. 3-i call her to complain, but i rarely call to rejoice with her. she listens to me and let's me get it out and is supportive through the whole thing. she probably gets the worst of me than...