after graduation (2 years ago... whoa i'm getting old) someone told me now it's finals everyday at a J-O-B. i sort-of see this at work, but this week pressure's higher than usual...
we're visiting a high priority school. i like to treat all my schools as VIP schools, but this one is coming from the grant funder. and it's a huge school. we're going tues, wed, AND thursday. this is the first time we've gone to one school for three days. this is in pilsen and it's one of those schools where each grade has 2 classes taught in english with support in spanish and 1 class taught in spanish. when i first called this school to set-up the sessions one of the first questions they asked is if we will do the program in spanish, which we do. so i've been practicing it in spanish on my runs for a week. i feel pretty good about it. and 3 important people from the funder are coming wednesday morning. yeah, it makes me a little nervous, but actually i'm more excited to meet them than anything else. i can learn a little more about what they think/have planned for the program.
wooo finals
but before that i'm off to a fundraiser with some of my co-workers for Liz tonight. she's doing the Wrigley Field Road Tour 100 mile bike ride at the end of august. she's hoping to raise $2000 for AFC. so she's doing a guest bartender thing at Vaughan's Pub where they're giving her 50% of the night's proceeds. so i'm off to support!
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