Did you guess me? You're wrong. Today's my big brother's 30th birthday! 30's a pretty big deal. At least I think so. He's in a good place for a 30 year old. I can only hope I have my life as together as he does on my 30th birthday. Only time will tell... Mom & Dad with baby Jeffrey In honor of his birthday, I have some awesome pictures of him as a baby. Like 30 years ago! (Wow, that's weird when you think of it like that.) 9 months Yeah, I'm standing like a pro. I'm going to walk a little. No sweat. (It's pretty crazy how much his son, Charlie, looks like him when he was a baby. See bottom.) I like to play a game with my friends where on their birthdays (or birthday celebrations) I like to make them list the best 5 things about the year before. (I make myself play this game on my own birthday as well, in my journal.) 1 year Some friends love it. Some friends hate it. It usually depends on t...