Have you heard all the hoopla about Juice Cleanses? I've been hearing about them for months. At least since November. Then I started hearing about them more and more and more.... I consider myself a somewhat healthy eater. Luckily, it's not because I try super hard. I just prefer fruits & veggies & sweets in moderation. I will eat fast food if forced or there's no other option, but I rarely crave it. It just seems very generic and boring. After Christmas I decided to really focus on cutting out preservatives as well. I've never been a big frozen food fan (they're expensive!), but pretzels, El Milagro tortilla chips, those are soft spots. I started going to grocery stores and only buying veggies & cereal (I'm on another cereal kick). Therefore when friends starting talking to me about juice cleanses at the beginning of the year, I didn't think it was strange. In fact I believe I said, "I go days where I o...