Guys, things have been insane. I'm at the typical point in my summer where I just feel exhausted. And then I think, 'Good job, Lisa, you've done good with summer.' Here in Chicago, where we have 4 months of lovely weather (in my opinion) a year, you have to make the most of it. And every summer around this time, I start to feel the exhaustion set in. Also, I noticed during my wake-up call Wednesday, the days are getting shorter, friends. Boo. So let's see, what have I been up to? Lots of time outside. This whole central A/C thing in our new place is really throwing me off. It's the first time I've had central A/C since I lived with my parents 11 years ago and I am not used to waking up and not immediately knowing what the weather is like. So patios are all the sweeter. We moved! We successfully moved. Moving weekend was not fun at all. Not at all. But we saved so much money and I was s...