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oh politics

i was never pressured into politics.  
which you may find surprising considering my dad is a lawyer (and interested in politics).  he obviously has his political beliefs, but he never pushed them on my siblings and I (and actually we turned out with quite different ones).  besides encouraging us to vote, there was no pressure.

during the last presidential race (i know politics is more than every four years... give me a second) everybody was all riled up (as they should be, especially considering we were in college).  
i was excited on voting day, but leading up to it, not so much.  politics wasn't my "thing".  I would listen to my friends who were into politics, and listen respectfully, but when i couldn't contribute to the conversation it quickly faded.  (how much fun is it to just spill all your beliefs and get no feedback?  ok, sometimes maybe it is.  but not always.) 

i'm becoming more and more involved in politics and i'm kind-of excited about it.  i think it's probably just a natural progression for me.  this time around i'm soaking up the information and able to offer little contributions (i still have a long way to go).  but hey, it's a start.

here's a video that one of our discussions at work brought up and i love it.  (it's short, give it a listen)


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