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So I've been inspired by a lot of things lately and with that inspiration it's made me want to pick-up my camera again*
*Ok so not really again.  In college, one of my minors was photography and the majority of my classes were with a film SLR camera and I love love love mine.  I love developing film and working in the dark room.  That is no longer the way of the world.  So about a year ago I got a DSLR (digital) to work with and I never really warmed to it.  I would like to warm to it...

Along those lines, I decided to start scrapbooking again, which I've enjoyed pretty much my entire life, but haven't worked on any since I got back from Mexico about 3 years ago.  And I'm in love with it.  I decided to start with 2013 and as I make progress I literally want to keep flipping back to look at it again and again.  It's very me.

Sunday morning I was working on my St. Patrick's Day page when I walked to the kitchen for coffee and saw the wrapping on my new toilet cleaner.  Yes, I would like to repurpose you for my page.  So many things in our world can be used again or repurposed before being disposed of.  I may take it to an extreme sometimes, I'm aware of it and pretty sure only a few people know how far I can take it sometimes (Karen, Dad).  I try not to let everyone realize how ridiculous I can be.

So the scrapbooking is going well and making me happy.

Next, up warming up to my camera.  I took it out to the lake Sunday to work on that very thing with Rubina's words swimming in my head:
"When people say they don't have time for something, what they're really saying is it's not a priority.  If something is a priority, you make time."
Making it a priority.
I got all set-up, reviewed a few things, and my battery was dead.
Next time...


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