For some reason I thought Halloween originated in the U.S. It did not. It originated in Europe and gradually came to the U.S. In fact, the puritans were very anti Halloween. But a mass Irish and Scottish immigration during the 19th century increased the holiday’s celebration in the United States. People started carving pumpkins (instead of the traditional turnip of Ireland and Scotland) since it was native to North America. Although, from personal experience, pumpkins in Mexico are much thicker and almost impossible to carve. Here is a popular folktale about the jack-o-lantern: On route home after a night's drinking, Jack encounters the Devil and tricks him into climbing a tree. A quick-thinking Jack etches the sign of the cross into the bark, thus trapping the Devil. Jack strikes a bargain that Satan can never claim his soul. After a life of sin, drink, and mendacity, Jack is refused entry to heaven when he dies. Keeping his promise, the Devil refuse...