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airport meeting

Starting tomorrow night I'm traveling personally!  I feel like pretty much all month, I've just been struggling to keep my head above water so I really, really need a break.
(You think my family will be offended if I sleep all week?  That's really all I feel like doing right now.)

June was such a blur.  It doesn't really feel like it happened.  I was basically in Chicago for 6 days this entire month and I have a list of friends who reached out to me to get together who I didn't have a chance to see.  One text message literally said:  "Friend date soon, please!"  Dear friends, sorry I've been a bad friend for the month of June.  I hope to do better soon... although honestly, I don't have all that much control.

But next week I hope to have some relaxation.

Tomorrow Karen is going to come pick me up at the airport.  I love watching the people waiting for their loved ones at the airport.  (Yes, maybe it makes you think of the intro to Love Actually, but it's better in real life.)  Usually any time my flight arrives at Midway in the evening, I come up the ramp & down the escalator (there are really two areas people awaiting arrivees wait.  The areas are filled with people anxiously waiting for their loved ones coming in on flights.  
It always makes me smile (even though usually all I want to do is lie down and sleep right there in the middle of the pathway).

My family and I have a parking spot where I know to meet them so they don't have to pay for parking and deal with everything.

When I came back from Mexico, Karen parked and came inside the airport and waited for me with a sign.  I landed in the main terminal so I came out of a different concourse than she thought so I ended up finding her, rather than walking by her, but I still remember us running to each other and hugging (and crying).  I still remember a woman off to the side smiling as she looked on.

I just love it!

Today I got to celebrate Vicki's birthday (a week late) & have a new special at Chicago Diner that I was antsy to try!  (You can't say I don't make the most of it when I happen to be in Chicago.)

(taco photo via)

Karen & I are heading straight to the Cardinals game so we can score the 1926 Championship Beer Stein.  They have a limited number they're giving out and I always seem to miss the giveaways with people not wanting to get there too early.  I'm overruling that this time.  I told Karen we can go by the bleachers so she will be entertained by people while I can watch batting practice.  Yesterday she literally tried to convince me to stop by a bar downtown before going to the game.  No way.  I want that stein.
Yes, this is Yadi.
vote for him and other cardinals for the All Star Game here

Next week I have some posts planned for you, but I'm really looking forward to disconnecting.  I hope you have a great week!

p.s. Wow that was a very discombobulated post.  Thanks for making it through.


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